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Payments Dispute Protection Overview

by Intuit9 Updated 5 months ago

Learn how to sign up and use Payments Dispute Protection.

QuickBooks Payments Dispute Protection safeguards your business on disputed charges for both fraudulent and non-fraudulent claims.

Payment Dispute Protection:

  • Only applies to credit and debit card transactions only
  • Doesn't apply to automated clearing house, Paypal, or Vemo
  • Is only available for QuickBooks Online US

Check eligibility and sign up

Currently, Payments Dispute Protection is only available to eligible merchants. 

You must be enrolled in QuickBooks Payments to sign up for Payments Dispute Protection. Here’s how to check if you're eligible:

  1. Sign in to your QuickBooks Online account.
  2. Sign up for Payments Dispute Protection. Note: only the primary admin can sign up.

QuickBooks already has all of the info needed for a quick sign-up. After you turn on Payments Dispute Protection, all of your credit and debit card transactions are covered.

Costs for Payments Dispute Protection

You’ll see an increase in the processing fees you pay. The fee for Payments Dispute Protection can be as low as 0.99%, applied to every credit or debit card transaction you process with QuickBooks Payments.

To view your Payments Dispute Protection pricing:

  1. Go to Settings ⚙ and select Payments (Take me there).
  2. Select Payments dispute protection, then Coverage Details to see:
    1. Fee per transaction
    2. Remaining coverage balance
    3. Coverage limit

Payments Settings

There’s a coverage limit of $10,000 per chargeback and an annual limit of $25,000 per year. Your coverage limit resets to $25,000 every year, on the anniversary of your signup date.


If you received a $9,000 chargeback in the first month of signing up then we calculate your remaining coverage balance as:

$25,000 limit (-) $9,000 chargeback = $16,000 remaining coverage.

Manage Payments Dispute Protection enrollment

Should you no longer need protection or decide to close a QuickBooks Online company, you can cancel Payments Dispute Protection. No refund is provided for previously paid Payments Dispute Protection. But, your payment processing rate stays the same. 

  1. Go to Settings ⚙ and select Payments (Take me there).
  2. Select Payments Dispute Protection
  3. Select Turn Off to disable.

It's a good idea to keep your current company's coverage for at least 3 to 12 months after your last transaction and before you close your company.

If you change your mind, you can always turn on Payments Dispute Protection again. Only chargebacks that occur while protection is turned on are covered.

Coverage only applies to the company the eligible payments account is linked to and can’t be transferred to another one. If that changes, you may lose protection. Check out your Merchant Services Agreements.

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