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Welcome to your QuickBooks ProAdvisor Programme

Switch to QuickBooks Online in 3 easy steps

1. Request
Complete our conversion form and upload a backup of your data

2. Migrate
Odyssey migrates your data and invite you to review the results
3. Complete
Frequently asked questions
Training & Certification
Learn how to set up QuickBooks Online for your clients, how to import data and how to work with the data including customer and supplier transactions, managing products and services and the chart of accounts...
Benefits of becoming a QuickBooks Certified ProAdvisor:
- Profile listing on Find-An-Accountant directory, visited by thousands of small businesses
- Distinguish yourself as a global accounting expert – display the certificate and logo to promote your practice
- Accountant-special pricing for QuickBooks subscriptions
- Opportunity to network with more than 125,000 ProAdvisors across the world.

With QuickBooks Online Certification Training, you quickly become the expert. These online modules will give you all the expert knowledge, hints and tips you need to become an expert QuickBooks user.
Once you have viewed all the Certification training modules below, please take the ProAdvisor Certification Exam by clicking on the button at the bottom of the page.
Module 1: Create a trial and settings
Create a trial account and set up your client’s accounts in QuickBooks Online
Module 2: Importing data
Learn how to import data to QuickBooks Online to set up your client’s account
Module 3 : Opening balance
Learn how to key in opening balances
Module 4: PO Bill and Pay Bill
Learn how to manage Suppliers: Purchase Orders, Bills and Pay Bills
Module 5: Invoice, Receipts, Payment & CN
Learn how to manage Customers: Record invoices, Receive Customer Payments & Record Credit Notes
Module 6: Expense and Chq
Learn how to manage Expenses
Module 7: Foreign currency
Learn how to manage multicurrency transactions
Module 8: Time sheets
Manage Employee Time Billing & Learn how you can bill your customers for jobs done for them
Module 9: Online banking
Learn how to save time on banking transactions & bank reconciliation by leveraging the Online Banking tools. Learn how to save time on banking transactions data entry & bank reconciliation
Module 10: Reports
Learn how to manage Reports in QuickBooks Online. Learn cool tricks such as automate reports to add value to your clients
Ready for the certification exam?
The ProAdvisor certification exam is designed to test your knowledge of QuickBooks Online based on the 10 modules above, so make sure you are adequately prepared.
There are 24 multiple choice questions which should take you 45 minutes to complete. The passing mark required for certification is 65%
Passing this exam will make you a Certified ProAdvisor – A title that is currently enjoyed by over 150,000 accountants globally